Arbitrum current price is $0.73.


0.73% (24H)
  • Tapa del mercado $2,432,258,812.00
  • Volumen $159,923,388.00
  • Suministro disponible 3,339,278,542 ARB

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Arbitrum current price is $0.73 with a marketcap of $2,432,258,812.00. Its price is 0.73% arriba in last 24 hours.

Arbitrum is one of the leading Ethereum scaling solutions bringing cheap transactions to tens of thousands of users in an environment that feels very similar to Ethereum. It is an optimistic rollup and the leading L2 in terms of TVL. Some of the largest dApps live on Arbitrum include GMX, Radiant, Uniswap V3, and Gains Network.